Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friendship--What a blessing!

I am a part of a small group through my church. We have been meeting every other week for just over a month now. It has been an incredibly rich experience to bond with these 5 people over the course of time. Each week as we read our material, discuss our questions, share our struggles and victories, I come away richer in my spirit. Truly God's plan to have us unite as a family of believers through the local church is marvelous. Since my biological family lives quite a distance away, I truly treasure those relationships that can nourish me and support me when my biological family cannot by virture of distance and/or timing. These 5 friends have become a blessing. Though our hope is to branch out to create new groups next spring, I am sure that our connectedness will remain strong as we continue to worship and serve with one another through our church.

I also had another occasion to help a close friend celebrate a significant birthday by hosting a meal at my home for her. As we spent the evening together in conversation, laughter and sharing a challenging game of Scrabble, I once again was vividly reminded of what a treasure friendship is. In the recent past, I had expressed some things to this dear friend that were not very positive or kind in nature. She in turn has offered me forgiveness, acceptance and a willingness to stick with me and our friendship with unconditional love. What a picture of the love of God! How many times do I "tell God" things that are not kind or positive and yet He continues to love me unconditionally. Thank you friend for demonstrating God's love to me again and again.

Another friend and I have had several deeper conversations lately that have allowed me to understand her more and more. We view the world differently, approach things differently and play different roles in our lives and yet we are bonded together through the love of Jesus Christ. We value our differences and rejoice whe we do share things in common. She has often been the instrument of God in giving me guidance, resources and a listening ear. Again, I am so blessed to have this friend in my life.

I have another dear friend who is truly my "Barnabas" in that she is my encourager--she always lifts my spirit by faithfully praying for me. She also helps me recognize those areas where I need to persist in prayer. Her kind, gentle spirit challenges me to do the same towards others, though I often fail. She believes in me and that matters so much. Truly I am blessed.

As I grow older, I have realized how much I also treasure the friendship of my parents and sister and brother-in-law. While I will always be their daughter and sister, we have developed a new relationship where we can discuss things as friends, see each other as individuals with needs, wants, gifts, etc. Each time I am with them now, I appreciate more and more who they are as persons. Each one contributes something valuable to my life. I look forward to more experiences with them in future visits together.

I could comment on others who are important friends in my life, but neither time nor space will
allow that now. Having friends makes a person rich in the things that matter. I hope everyone can name at least one other person who is a true friend to them. I am so grateful for those God has placed in my life.

Friendship--what a blessing!

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