Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where are my words?

Happy 2009 everyone! I really wanted to write more during this year and already I am off to a slow start! So where are my words? Ask most anyone who knows me well and they'll agree I usually am not at a loss for the spoken word! Maybe I have not allowed my mind enough quietness to gather any cohesive thoughts. Maybe I am not listening enough to the Lord to hear what is being said. Maybe I am just not disciplined enough to sit at this computer and put my words on screen. Whatever the reason, I want to use this means to acknowledge those things that I am learning, experiencing and appreciating as I daily live 2009.

I am reading the Bible through chronologically for the first time this year. I guess I have been expecting more "divine revelations" to occur before I posted any comments. However, that really hasn't happened yet. I have noticed some new things in Genesis, but nothing that's just been a "wow". I am often amazed when I read other people's comments and gleanings as they apply phrases and verses so beautifully to their lives. Being jealous or envious of others is a sin-that I know is true! When I began this journey, my prayer was to ask God to read His word with me. I want to learn, hear and obey. Maybe right now it's my job just to sit quietly and listen as we read together. Those teachable moments will come.

My friend Karen has rightly described me as a black and white kind of person. I am generally a rules follower and have great difficulty dealing with those gray areas (then why did I wear all gray to church today? Go figure?). Maybe 2009 will be a year that God stretches me further into those gray areas so that I depend totally upon Him and not on those comfortable rules.
We'll see.....

I hope your 2009 is off to a splended start.