Saturday, March 28, 2009

March "Madness" or Gladness??

Ok, I admit I am not a basketball fan, so March Madness doesn't really mean alot to me. However, several things have occured in the month that could have caused "madness" but instead I have seen God's hand at work to make them times of gladness... let me begin to share examples...
***madness?---severly cutting 2 fingers on my right hand (Im right handed) on inventory night requiring 5 stitches and human super glue--Gladness---God provided a friend, Judy, to be available to take me to urgent care--I received excellent care from kind doctors and nurses.

***madness?---due to said injury, I am limited in what I can do at home, work, and in general for several days---Gladness---God provided many friends locally who pitched in to help in a variety of ways for which I am so grateful---and my family sent cards, prayers and phone calls from miles away.

***madness?---my dog Kipper is diagnosed with yeast infections in both ears--expected treatment could cost from 500 to 700 dollars (no, his mama doesn't have this $ even though she loves him dearly!)---gladness--God gives Kipper excellent treatment from kind/knowledgeable doctors and the best results possible--no further procedures needed--just meds at home administered by nurse mama--and the cost is way less than expected!!

***madness?---that dreaded tax preparation time for which you hope you have saved (& brought with you to your appt) every applicable piece of paper needed---gladness--God works through a skilled preparer and I am receiving higher refunds from both state and federal--the state refund is $1.25 short of the total bill from the vet from the above mentioned treatment!! It will go into my account this coming week! Wow!! That leaves the federal refund to help with other bills and some money for an upcoming trip to Gatlinburg in April!!

***madness?---you are disappointed because attendance in your Sunday School class is running low lately--gladness--you learn that at least 2 members are participating in a new members/seekers 3 week class being offered by the pastor--2 others are ministering to residents at a local nursing home in a Sunday morning service---God gave me hope and a new viewpoint of the larger picture--my service still matters to Him.

So, March will soon be leaving us--I can truly say that it has been a month of unique experiences--I am so glad that God has provided me with the opportunities to see Him at work, to trust Him more, to rely on others for help (I have been called independent!) and to now have more reasons to sing His praises and to give Him the glory. Wonder what He's going to do in April???

Happy March Madness everyone!!

Mary Jane

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A New Experience

On Feb. 2, 2009, my sister had surgery in Alabama. This was the first hospitalization for her. Therefore, neither she nor I really knew what to expect as the days unfolded. I had the opportunity to spend 3 nights at the hospital with her to be of help and comfort. Everyone is right--you don't get to sleep in the hospital!! We were awakened multiple times for various inquiries, vital checks, medications, and whatever else was needed during the wee hours of the day.

Overall, we had wonderful nurses who provided both excellent care and kind, encouraging words. Our patient proved to be a very courageous, strong, and enduring lady. I was and am quite proud of how she managed herself. She tried very hard to do everything asked of her and her patience far outshined mine in some ways.

I experienced hospital food--or lack thereof--no, jello is not always available there--it took a whole day to obtain some!! No bar-b-que and fried okra is not a welcoming 1st solid food meal for someone who's just had adominal surgery!! (Okay, so her hungry big sister did eat it). And yes, one can survive briefly on saltine crackers and water.

God has blessed. My sister is recovering well at home now, anxious to regain her strength and independence but willing to wait as necessary. She is able to enjoy real food and her own bed which certainly lifts up anyone's spirit.

I truly am grateful to my work, my church and my friends here that took up my slack while I was gone to Alabama. Many have expressed continued prayers for her and we thank you.
God is so good. We know better days are ahead but even during these "not so great" ones, God is with us and supplying what is needed.

I hope it's a very long time before anyone else I know has to experience a hospital stay. But if they do, I know God will prove as loving and faithful then as He has been to us.

Stay well!

Would it really help?

We're now into Exodus in our chronological reading. I have read this book several times in my lifetime. As I've read it this time though, I have been more aware of how often God told Moses the same information about Moses' new task/role as the deliverer of the Israelite people. Many times God spelled out the exact things that would happen before, during and after the exodus. He gave Moses specific directions and many times promised His own presence to be with him. God even told Moses this whole adventure with Pharaoh would be successful!! But what did Moses do with such knowledge?? As far as I can tell, not much. He continued to highlight his own feelings of inadequacy and lack of skills, etc. He continued to see the problems (real and imagined) rather than look at the big picture God was giving him. It was as if he was almost deaf to what God was trying to tell him. Moses should have claimed this new calling with joy, with strength and with faith-filled purpose and with great enthusiasm. Regardless of Moses' response, God pursued His purpose to equip and use Moses to bring freedom for His people. Moses' opinions about himself didn't stop God from using him anyway!!

I found myself asking aloud---what would I do and what do I do when God does choose to give me explicit information about a task He's asking me to do for Him or with Him? Don't I do the same things as Moses--immediately highlight my own faults, lackings and hesitations. Does it really matter that God tells me promises and details. Sadly I must admit it, I act as if it doesn't matter. God gives me plain truths in His written word today and guides me by the Spirit in my heart and prayers and yet I "tune these out" to listen to my own shortcomings. Praise God that He doesn't stop giving me opportunities for service. I hope that like Moses, I will do the task anyway--exercising the faith I do have and ever asking for it to be increased.

Happy reading!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Where are my words?

Happy 2009 everyone! I really wanted to write more during this year and already I am off to a slow start! So where are my words? Ask most anyone who knows me well and they'll agree I usually am not at a loss for the spoken word! Maybe I have not allowed my mind enough quietness to gather any cohesive thoughts. Maybe I am not listening enough to the Lord to hear what is being said. Maybe I am just not disciplined enough to sit at this computer and put my words on screen. Whatever the reason, I want to use this means to acknowledge those things that I am learning, experiencing and appreciating as I daily live 2009.

I am reading the Bible through chronologically for the first time this year. I guess I have been expecting more "divine revelations" to occur before I posted any comments. However, that really hasn't happened yet. I have noticed some new things in Genesis, but nothing that's just been a "wow". I am often amazed when I read other people's comments and gleanings as they apply phrases and verses so beautifully to their lives. Being jealous or envious of others is a sin-that I know is true! When I began this journey, my prayer was to ask God to read His word with me. I want to learn, hear and obey. Maybe right now it's my job just to sit quietly and listen as we read together. Those teachable moments will come.

My friend Karen has rightly described me as a black and white kind of person. I am generally a rules follower and have great difficulty dealing with those gray areas (then why did I wear all gray to church today? Go figure?). Maybe 2009 will be a year that God stretches me further into those gray areas so that I depend totally upon Him and not on those comfortable rules.
We'll see.....

I hope your 2009 is off to a splended start.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Since my writing doesn't seem to come as often as I'd hoped it would, let me wish everyone a very Merry Christmas now. I do hope that as we celebrate the joyous birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, we will keep Him as the center of all we do. I hope that time spent with family and friends enriches each of our lives and causes us to appreciate each other more and more!

Recently my friend Karen and I were deeply saddened to hear about the death of a Guatamalan child, on the verge of being adopted in the states, by a group of home invaders who killed her and her entire foster family. Such senseless evil! This led us to consider the numerous young children that have died this year that we knew mostly by internet connections with their families. It just seemed too high a number in my mind. Plus the tragic situation with the national attention now on the Caylee Anthony case-- My heart breaks for each of these families touched by such a deep loss and grief.

During such times we must constantly remember that God is Love and God is good. His heart is grieving also when pain, suffering and loss occurs. We must cling to the promises in His word and seek His presence even more. Though I will never understand why such things happen, I can rest assured that I serve a God that understands, cares and is moved to action by what happens to us.

Yes, Christmas is a time to celebrate, but it is also a time to pray for those whose joy may be marred by grief and pain.

Read the verses of the familiar carol "Joy to the World" soon. Ponder them in light of our current world situation. Maybe you will also be thinking--how timely!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

An Ideal Day

Is there ever such a thing as an "Ideal Day"? It would probably be safe to say that most of us would not consider a cold, rainy, blustery day in November to be an ideal day, right? Today I will go against that norm and say that this has been close to an ideal day (so far). Why? I'm glad you asked.

First, there was no alarm going off in my ear at 5am! When it did go off later, I leisurely rolled over and hit the snooze button a few times before rousing myself up for the day. 2nd--there is no need to wear a work uniform or make up today as the only place I plan to go today is to the mailbox! 3rd-I hear the whirring of the clothes dryer and the chugging of the washer as they diligently clean my 3rd load of laundry---exciting because for over 20 yrs I had to use a laundry room outside my home. 4th--my dog Kipper doesn't like to walk in the rain so our stints outside have been very brief and to the point--negating the usual 20-25 min walks we do each day-thus giving this doggie momma more time for her "to do" list. 5th--I have played Christmas music which always brightens my spirit. 6th--I have some time to write on my blog spot which has been sorely neglected in recent weeks. 7th--I have already accomplished some things on my to do list and added a few "I didn't know I needed to do this, but did it any way" things too! 8th-I have about a half of this day left to still enjoy!

I hope you have the wonderful gift of enjoying your "ideal day" very soon.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Friendship--What a blessing!

I am a part of a small group through my church. We have been meeting every other week for just over a month now. It has been an incredibly rich experience to bond with these 5 people over the course of time. Each week as we read our material, discuss our questions, share our struggles and victories, I come away richer in my spirit. Truly God's plan to have us unite as a family of believers through the local church is marvelous. Since my biological family lives quite a distance away, I truly treasure those relationships that can nourish me and support me when my biological family cannot by virture of distance and/or timing. These 5 friends have become a blessing. Though our hope is to branch out to create new groups next spring, I am sure that our connectedness will remain strong as we continue to worship and serve with one another through our church.

I also had another occasion to help a close friend celebrate a significant birthday by hosting a meal at my home for her. As we spent the evening together in conversation, laughter and sharing a challenging game of Scrabble, I once again was vividly reminded of what a treasure friendship is. In the recent past, I had expressed some things to this dear friend that were not very positive or kind in nature. She in turn has offered me forgiveness, acceptance and a willingness to stick with me and our friendship with unconditional love. What a picture of the love of God! How many times do I "tell God" things that are not kind or positive and yet He continues to love me unconditionally. Thank you friend for demonstrating God's love to me again and again.

Another friend and I have had several deeper conversations lately that have allowed me to understand her more and more. We view the world differently, approach things differently and play different roles in our lives and yet we are bonded together through the love of Jesus Christ. We value our differences and rejoice whe we do share things in common. She has often been the instrument of God in giving me guidance, resources and a listening ear. Again, I am so blessed to have this friend in my life.

I have another dear friend who is truly my "Barnabas" in that she is my encourager--she always lifts my spirit by faithfully praying for me. She also helps me recognize those areas where I need to persist in prayer. Her kind, gentle spirit challenges me to do the same towards others, though I often fail. She believes in me and that matters so much. Truly I am blessed.

As I grow older, I have realized how much I also treasure the friendship of my parents and sister and brother-in-law. While I will always be their daughter and sister, we have developed a new relationship where we can discuss things as friends, see each other as individuals with needs, wants, gifts, etc. Each time I am with them now, I appreciate more and more who they are as persons. Each one contributes something valuable to my life. I look forward to more experiences with them in future visits together.

I could comment on others who are important friends in my life, but neither time nor space will
allow that now. Having friends makes a person rich in the things that matter. I hope everyone can name at least one other person who is a true friend to them. I am so grateful for those God has placed in my life.

Friendship--what a blessing!